How To Be Champion Storytime
Wowsers, the world is different isn’t it? I hope you’re all doing okay in the circumstances. We’re all worried and scared and occasionally bored. A couple of things are helping me. Firstly, wobbles are allowed. So if I feel a bit sad, I allow it. It’s normal. I have a cry or chat to friends or eat some chocolate or watch a comforting film or TV show. My husband and I are currently ploughing through Cheers and it’s wonderful. Secondly, I’m finding a routine helpful. I’ve slotted you guys in between shower and dog walk. I talk to the same friends at the same time every day and I cannot recommend that enough. Sending all the love and can’t wait to see you all again whenever the world allows a tour.
From Monday, I’m going to be reading a little bit of my autobiography to you each afternoon (I think at about 3pm but let’s see). This video will appear on all of my socials – @sarahmillican75 on Twitter, Sarah Millican (with blue tick) on Facebook and @thesarahmillican on Instagram – plus my youtube channel which is here.
The episodes will be numbered so if you miss one, it’ll be easy to find it to catch up. Over the course of the book, no doubt I’ll get fatter, my hair will become it’s natural colour (who knows), sometimes I’ll be in pyjamas, sometimes no make up. If you compare the first episode to the last episode it’ll look like those photos of Tony Blair at the start and end of his go at being Prime Minister. It’s going to look like my book is really harrowing. In truth it is not. It is a funny autobiography with self help tips.
If you want to treat yourself to it, the paperback is available at Waterstones and on Amazon and for kindle for only 99p (at the mo) on iTunes and also on Audible. Treat yourself if you want to read along with me, like Jackanory!
Much love and stay safe x